Knowing Your Child

Neuropsychological Evaluation


To understand your child's level of functioning in a well-rounded way:

  • Intellectual
  • Academic
  • Emotional
  • Social
  • Behavioral

Assessments conducted by clinical professionals with specialized training for the benefit of your child to include:

  • Written Tests
  • Practical Tasks
  • Interviews with your child

Neurodevelopmental Evaluation


Understand how your child is progressing over time in regard to:

  • Learning
  • Growing
  • Developing

Assessments conducted by clinical professional to include:

  • Language
  • Cognition
  • Motor Skills
  • Social Skills

Autism Spectrum Disorder

An area of expertise for our team, we use The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule™ (ADOS™-2) to conduct a detailed and comprehensive assessment of:

  • Communication
  • Social Interaction
  • Play
  • Restricted Behaviors
  • Repetitive Behaviors

Sleep & Toilet Training Consultation

We offer coaching and consulting for sleep and toileting challenges your child may be experiencing.

Connect with us

We look forward to meeting you and your child. Contact us today by calling (312) 291-9197 to schedule an appointment.